Starting the design journey for your new build or home renovation? Here’s 3 floor plan mistakes you’ll want to avoid!

Your dream home begins with a carefully designed floor plan, but it's so much more than just lines on a page—it's the blueprint for your living experience. In this blog, we delve into three critical mistakes that can make or break your home design. 

From overlooking the importance of orientation to maximising space efficiently and aligning your vision with your budget, each point plays a pivotal role in creating a harmonious living space. 

Your floor plan will ultimately become physical walls that get built (not to mention, much more costly to change if wrong!). Discover how these considerations can save you money, enhance your well-being, and lead you to a home that truly reflects your lifestyle.

Mistake #1: Confusing Wants for Needs

Getting Caught in Inspiration: It's easy to dive headfirst into Pinterest boards and glossy images, but pause to consider what truly matters to you and how you live.

  • The Real-Estate Checklist Trap: Don't prioritise real estate criteria over the reasons you're building or renovating.

  • Comparison Games: Avoid letting others determine how you should live or comparing your brief to others. Your brief is uniquely yours.

Why Your Brief Matters: Your brief shapes your home's size, which in turn influences construction costs. A crystal-clear brief reduces scope creep, prevents an unnecessarily large home (nobody wants endless cleaning!), and helps your project stay within budget.

Remember, your brief is your unique blueprint.

Mistake #2: Ignoring Orientation

  • Priority After Your Brief: Once you've refined your brief, the next vital step is nailing the orientation of your floor plan.

  • Costly Retrofitting: Retrofitting to fix an uncomfortable home is a costly endeavor best avoided.

Key Considerations: Orientation is the position of your home in relation to the path of the sun and prevailing wind in your region. Good orientation can be achieved on even the smallest of blocks and can have a significant impact when applied correctly.

Why Orientation Matters:

Understanding orientation is essential for crafting a home that not only looks good but, more importantly, feels great!

By working with (and not against) your unique orientation, you harness natural resources, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling.

This approach is environmentally responsible and results in a home that feels closely connected to nature and promotes health and well-being.

Mistake #3 - Overlooking the Longevity of Your Home

  • Future-Proof Your Home: Take a moment to reflect on how your needs might evolve over time. What life stage are you in presently, and how long do you intend to live in your home? Is your floor plan adaptable to these changes? Does it accommodate a growing and evolving family?

  • Room Flexibility: Assess whether your room sizes offer the flexibility to adapt over time. For example, consider if the kids' bedrooms can comfortably accommodate the transition from a single bed to a double or queen size as they grow.

Why Intentionality Matters:

Creating a home with longevity in mind enables you to navigate various life stages without incurring the substantial costs associated with selling and buying another property. This includes agent fees and settlement expenses. By ensuring your home evolves with you, you avoid the need to move simply because you've 'outgrown' your space or it no longer serves your needs effectively.

Your dream home awaits, and it all starts with the right floor plan. If you’re planning a renovation or building a new home and want to get it right - we’ve created a FREE 27-page guide to help you avoid costly mistakes. Click HERE to discover SEVEN MORE floor plan mistakes AND you’ll also gain access to our comprehensive bonus checklist to unlock your project's potential!

Kim Tan